Homepage Feature - Deaths
800 alcohol-related deaths every year.
In 2019, alcohol was a factor in 137 (39%) of the 352 road deaths in New Zealand.
Homepage Feature - Illness
Alcohol is linked to more than 200 different health conditions.
Alcohol is a Group 1 carcinogen, which means that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that alcohol causes cancer
Homepage Feature - Family Harm
Alcohol is involved in at least one-third of family harm incidents.
Alcohol use has been consistently found to increase the likelihood and severity of domestic violence.
Box 4 - Small Change Big Difference
Small change — big difference
Research shows that one of the most effective ways of reducing alcohol harm is by slightly increasing the price of alcohol.
This would just be a small price increase but will make a BIG difference to the wellbeing of our communities!
Box 1 - New Zealanders sharing their dreams
New Zealanders sharing their dreams
New Zealanders working at the forefront of alcohol harm have shared their vision of a future with less harm. They dream of a happier, more connected and safer place for our children and families.
Endless benefits with less alcohol harm.
Want to learn more? Check out this report
This report examines the current context of drinking in New Zealand and showcases the road to a healthier, fairer society via effective alcohol pricing policies.
Catch our progress on Instagram
Uncap our Potential
It's time something was done.
Take Action.
Alcohol harm affects us all. It's time to turn this around with strong, effective policies that put people ahead of the alcohol industry's profits.
We have a big, bold, ambitious goal - less alcohol harm in our homes, streets & communities.
Can you help us get there?
Everything we care deeply about will start to improve when we reduce alcohol harm.
With less alcohol harm, we can: improve our mental wellbeing, reduce suicide and family harm, have safer roads and communities, improve our physical health (e.g. fewer injuries and cancers) and lift employment and productivity.
We can also open up space to enable genuine conversations, trust and creativity.
As a country, we can uncap our potential.
Sign the Charter
To help every New Zealander get to where they want to go in life, we urgently need to reduce alcohol harm. One of the best ways to reduce harm is to increase the price of alcohol. Less alcohol being drunk, less harm to the drinker and to others.
Please show your support by signing the Price Charter, which includes a number of recommendations that are shown in research to reduce alcohol harm. You can sign up as an individual or as an organisation.
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Sign the charter
To help every New Zealander get to where they want to go in life, we urgently need to reduce alcohol harm. One of the best ways to reduce harm is to increase the price of alcohol. Less alcohol being drunk, less harm to the drinker and to others. Please show your support by signing the Price Charter, which includes a number of recommendations that are shown in research to reduce alcohol harm. You can sign up as an individual or as an organisation.
Sign upClick to read the Price Charter.