Sign the charter
To help every New Zealander get to where they want to go in life, we urgently need to reduce alcohol harm. One of the best ways to reduce harm is to increase the price of alcohol. Less alcohol being drunk, less harm to the drinker and to others. Please show your support by signing the Price Charter, which includes a number of recommendations that are shown in research to reduce alcohol harm. You can sign up as an individual or as an organisation.
Sign upClick to read the Price Charter.
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Take Action
Endless possibilities with less drinking & less harm
Every New Zealander, now and into the future, will benefit by our country drinking less. Given that alcohol cuts across so many issues that we all care deeply about, everything will start to improve when we take action on alcohol harm. As a country, we can uncap our potential. The most effective way to encourage New Zealanders to drink less is to raise the price of alcohol. This strategy is especially important to address the increasing affordability of alcohol in our country. Higher prices, less harm.
Kristin Gillies published Conduct an audit on alcohol rubbish in Take Action 2020-07-28 21:47:06 +1200
Conduct an audit on alcohol rubbish
Conduct an audit on alcohol rubbish in your community. Send us the photos. Tell us when and where did you take the photos. Submit form
Kristin Gillies published Conduct an audit on alcohol rubbish in Take Action 2020-07-28 21:46:46 +1200
Conduct an audit on alcohol rubbish
Conduct an audit on alcohol rubbish in your community. Send us the photos. Tell us when and where did you take the photos. Submit form